Monday, 23 April 2012


   Smoking is dangerous for our health.Statistics shows that the smokers increase among teenagers in our country.There are a few reasons why teenagers like to smoke such as to look more matured among their friends.besides,they want to try something new and also to peer pressure.

   Many disease can easily be effected by the smoker.One of the effect is physical effect.This include yellowish stain on the fingers and teeth.Moreover the facial wrinkles will appear at an early age. Other than that, the smokers lips will turn black.    Thus, the smokers health will also be damaged.It will cause throat,mouth and lung cancer.This cancer is easily affected because cigarette smoke contain carcinogen.Nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarettes also increase heart rate.It also raises the risk of high blood pressure.Smokers will also have bad breath and stained teeth due to the present of nicotine,a poisonous substances in tobacco that addict the smokers to cigarette.   Smoking also pollute the air.The smoke which hangs heavily in the air can cause respiratory problems.Smoking is not only dangerous to the smokers but also those who are around them.As there are many bad effects of smoking,most smoking cessation programs should be introduce to smokers.   

   In conclusion,smoking is very dangerous for everyone an should be avoided.There are a few ways that can be followed to stop smoking like reduce cigarette slowly and set a date to quit.


  1. Thanks for updating your blog
    i'll correct some grammatical errors later ok

  2. please elaborate the point 'peer pressure'. if you write without elaboration, marks will be deducted..just to remind

    p's: please read the essay again and i think you can detect some grammatical errors..Thanks=))
